
Monday, July 26, 2010

From Water to Wine

Enough is enough. I cannot live like this any longer. It's time for self-transformation.Within your spirit, these are the words spoken with urgency. This isn't co-incidence that you're reading what is written; it's divine appointment. To experience the fullness of divinely controlled self-transformation, there's a prerequisite requirement that must be embraced; along with divine understanding of why thou has come to this point.

The first step of God's process of self- transformation is giving your life unto him. You cannot lose with Jesus on your side. He knows your pain, sorrows, frustration and whatever you may be going through at this present time in your life. And guess what. He WANTS to make it all better, but you have to let him in. God loves you more than you know; inspite of what you've done or what's going on in your life. He's knocking at the door of your heart. Let him in. All you have to say is; Lord, I'm a sinner, and I need you right now. What's going on in my life hurts. Lord, I believe Jesus died on the cross for my sins. Lord, I repent of all my sins(be specific), and I'm asking for forgiveness. Lord, change me..., heal me..., and deliver me. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen. Accomplishing this step, positions your heart in a condition of willingness. This is the condition God transforms you and everything that abides in your circumference of existence. For transformation to occur, a reason for transformation must exist. Study the following equation.

[Event/Events of suffering + Feelings connected to the suffering = Internal burden]

[Internal burden + Feelings of enough is enough = God saying, It's time for self-transformation]

Let's move on to step 2.

When Jesus performed his first miracle of changing the water into wine; he didn't change the vessel; he changed the substance within the vessel. Romans 12:2 says, And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed ;by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect, will of God.The spirit-mind collaborative inner activity is the substance God desires to transform. In transforming the substance, God focuses on the root of the substance. The root of mankind is one's belief system. Study the following equation.

Human Existence Order Of Operations

[Belief System + Perception + Thoughts/Attitudes + -Actions = Results]

One's belief system plays a integral role in regards to character development; and character is what God transforms from ineffective to effective. Read the following example.

Ex. Along with my entrepreneurial aspirations, I desire to become a successful Inspirational recording artist. Music is my first love. I never made it to the big stage as of yet; not because of my ability, but because of a faulty belief embedded within.

Faulty belief-----Anything that doesn't come easy or fast enough that means I truly don't have the desire for what I'm trying to accomplish. The result of this faulty belief is lack of persistence and inconsistency. The root of this faulty belief is impatience, and impatience kills desire. God has and still is developing patience within me. By the way; Eric Jupiter coming soon!!!!!!!

Final thought. Internal self-transformation transforms external circumstances.

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